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Complete SEO guide


SEO: the complete guide for you to conquer the top of Google in 2022




SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the set of optimization strategies and techniques that are made on a web page so that it appears organically in Internet search engines such as Google, Yahoo, or YouTube. The correct application of SEO can cause significant increases in traffic and brand visibility on the Internet.




One of the biggest goals of companies investing in  Digital Marketing is to reach the top positions in search engines - after all, who doesn't want free clicks and more visitors to their site?

But in such a fierce and competitive field as the Internet, making your website stand out among the millions of pages on the net seems like an impossible task. And I say it seems because, in reality, it is not.

However, being on the Internet is not enough to guarantee that your site, e-commerce, or blog achieves a place on the first page of Google: it is necessary to invest in a specific strategy to optimize results and ensure that your business achieves a good positioning. web for the most important keywords in your segment.

With SEO or Search Engine Optimization - from English Search Engine Optimization - you can make your website appear in relevant searches, connecting your content with people who are looking for products or services like the one you offer.

It is the perfect operation!

But you should know that doing SEO requires a lot of studies to understand terminologies, build strategies and apply practices that take you to the top of the Google results pages.

Do not worry! Whether you want to take your first steps in the world of search engine optimization, or you want to refresh your knowledge, in this complete SEO guide we will explain everything you need to know about the matter.

In this article you will find:

· What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

· 7 advantages of implementing an SEO strategy

· What types of searches are there?

· A brief history of SEO and how the Google algorithm has evolved

· How to put together a good SEO strategy and conquer the top of Google?

· What is SEO on Page?

· What is SEO off-page?

· How does technical SEO work?

· What is local SEO?

· Conclusion and bonus

Read carefully and become an SEO specialist!

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

SEO is the acronym for Search Engine Optimization, which means "search engine optimization." It consists of a series of optimization techniques, disciplines, and strategies that are implemented in the pages of a website or blog to improve its positioning in search engines.

This marketing strategy is essential for your company to gain prominence, visibility in the digital world, and, consequently, more leads, customers, and billing for your business.


Optimizing sites and blogs through the use of techniques to improve the web positioning of your pages and positioning your company in the first results of Google, for example, increase (and a lot) your business opportunities.

Ultimately, 90% of people who search on Google only click on the results that appear on the first page of the engine.

The main goal of SEO, therefore, is to increase the volume of organic traffic and ensure more visibility for web pages.

What is the difference between SEO and SEM?

We do not want to leave out of this article a topic that causes a lot of confusion among professionals who are starting in the world of Digital Marketing and this is the difference between SEO and SEM.

Although at first, they may seem to refer to similar actions given the similarity of their acronyms, you should pay close attention because they refer to completely different actions. Let's go one by one.

SEO = Organic positioning

As you may already know, SEO refers to all those actions that you can take on or off your website to optimize your search engine positioning organically. This last point is key since organic means “no payment”.

With an SEO strategy, you do not pay Google or any other search engine to gain positions in the SERP. It's your valuable content and your optimizations that earn those spots in their own right.

SEM = Payment positioning

On the contrary, SEM —Search Engine Marketing— refers to those strategies that include the use of paid advertisements.

That is, with an SEM strategy you create an advertising campaign so that when a user types a search, your site appears before the organic results in the form of an advertisement, as long as it matches the user's search intention.

Which to choose?

A complete Digital Marketing strategy should not opt ​​for one and exclude the other. That is, you must include in your strategy a combination of SEO and SEM strategies to increase your results.

With the use of SEM, results are generated instantly in a short term, necessary when you want to increase visibility or brand recognition quickly or when you want to launch products or promotions for a limited time. 

In addition, SEO is a strategy that works in the medium and long term, constantly bringing better quality visits.

If you want to expand this issue further, we recommend reading our article on SEO vs. SEM.

But what are the advantages of this SEO strategy and how efficient can it be? 



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